Symptoms and

A summary of the main symptoms we daily see on the consultations associated with a high level of histamine due to DAO deficiency is presented below.

It is worth to clarify that not all symptoms would be developed, but normally at least two or three are present. Likewise, it is not crucial that the same symptom occurs in the same family, in fact, DAO deficiency is usually the inherited syndrome and each individual has different symptoms.



Migraine is a complex syndrome that has been treated during decades with the same type of drugs. In the last years, the treatment of this syndrome is facing a drastic change, and has passed from been pharmacologic to dietary. Most of the migraine crisis appear when an accumulation of histamine occurs due to lack of activity of the intestinal enzyme DAO

Skin and respiratory disorders

Skin and respiratory disorders

Skin and respiratory disorders are often related to allergic reactions, but some tests are negative and, subsequently, it is necessary to determine DAO enzyme activity in order to know if histamine accumulates by other means.

Digestive disorders

Digestive disorders

Excess amounts of histamine cause increased gastric (stomach) secretions and also contractions of the soft muscle of the intestine. Most of these digestive symptoms are not serious threats to the health, but they are indeed uncomfortable and have impact in the daily life. At this point, it would be important to determine DAO activity.

Muscular pain and fatigue

Muscular pain and fatigue

Once possible lesions, traumatisms, overcharges, adverse effects of drugs, or other diseases have been discarded,  it may be thought that histamine accumulation due to DAO deficiency could cause muscular pain and fatigue.

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