ADD in Media

Captura de Pantalla 2024-03-14 a las 17.29.15

February 27, 2024

Antonio Ballesteros interviews Adriana Duelo, clinical nutritionist and PhD Researcher at the University of Barcelona in the Bioactive Amines and Polyamines of Foods group. She currently leads the AD Dietitians team and is the director of the International Institute of DAO deficiency. She has been dedicated to private practice for 12 years specializing in histamine excess due to DAO deficiency and to scientific dissemination.

disbiosis intestinal_histamina_dao

December 29, 2023

The magic behind digestion: enzymes and their role – Nutriendo (Spanish Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics) (in Spanish)

“The role of macro and micronutrients in the digestive process is as important as the function of these substances. Adriana Duelo, dietitian-nutritionist and member of the Spanish Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics, emphasizes that “thanks to digestive enzymes we can absorb nutrients from food or eliminate molecules that we do not need. Its main function is to break down large substances that we ingest through our diet into small ones so that we can take advantage of them.”

Entrevista radio

January 15, 2023

Interview with Adriana Duelo (by Teo Sánchez) – Radio 5 (RNE – “Alimento y Salud” Program) (in Spanish)

“- Teo: Is there underdiagnosis among the population with DAO deficiency? – Adriana: Totally. Today it is estimated that the prevalence is very high, between 10-12%, but there are few people diagnosed. Luckily more and more healthcare professionals are beginning to update themselves. We still have a long way to go”. (We recommend listening from minute 13:45).


November 27, 2022

“The difficulty in diagnosing it is understandable considering that DAO Deficiency encompasses many symptoms that, from the outside, seem to have nothing to do with each other. But after more than 10 years of scientific publications and clinical experience, although in the medical field they may be few, health professionals are updating ourselves and we are able to see where we could not before.”


October 28, 2022

Interview with Adriana Duelo (by Rafa Sardiña) – El Periódico (In Spanish)

“As Adriana Duelo, nutritionist and director of the International Institute of DAO Deficiency, explains to this portal, “it is the lack of this enzyme that all mammals have in the small intestine, but that works in a weakened way for some people.” When this deficit appears, there is a deficiency in the activity of the DAO enzyme and it prevents a molecule that is ingested through food, histamine, from being metabolized.”


October 9, 2022

Interview with Adriana Duelo (by Carles Aguilar) – Radio Onda Cero (in Spanish)

“Diamino Oxidase (DAO) deficiency is a metabolic disorder with associated pathologies such as migraine, gastrointestinal disorders, dermatitis, dry and atopic skin; fibromyalgia or chronic fatigue and ADHD, among others. We talk to Adriana Duelo, Clinical Nutritionist and specialist in DAO Deficiency“. (We recommend listening from minute 20:45).


June 23, 2022

How to know if you have DAO deficiency – La Vanguardia (in Spanish)

“The most frequent symptom is digestive. Patients often present with dyspepsia or indigestion, intestinal irregularities such as constipation and gastroesophageal reflux, along with vascular headaches and even migraine. Other people have skin or locomotor symptoms and recent research also links it to ADHD, especially in children”, explains Adriana Duelo, director of AD Dietistas and the Clinical Institute of DAO Deficiency.


DAO deficiency training for dietitian-nutritionists – CODINUGAL Newsletter (in Spanish)

On November 17th, Orense took part in the DAO deficiency training given by dietitian-nutritionist Adriana Duelo and organized by CODINUGAL. The training consisted of 3 parts and it was treated histamine, its metabolism and the symptoms of DAO deficiency. The scientific and clinical evidence about this metabolic disorder was addressed and a real case was analyzed. It ended with a last part to solve doubts of the assistants. ADRIANA DUELO INTERVIEW – DAO DEFICIENCY. Why did you decide to specialize in the DAO deficiency? (…)

DAO Deficiency

Advances in DAO enzyme deficiency – La Vanguardia (in Spanish)

“New research led by Dr. Ramon Tormo, leader of Gastroenterology and Nutrition Hospital Quirón (Barcelona), reaffirm attributed migraine and other symptoms associated with DAO deficiency can be prevented through diet”


Ginger, digestive and anti-inflamatory – La Razón (in Spanish)

“Ginger, as a potent anti-inflammatory, has been used for thousands of years to treat migraine. Recent studies show that its use is safe and as effective as some drugs …”

Histamine and supermarket

A study by the head of the Gastroenterology and Nutrition Unit of Hospital Quirón (Barcelona), Ramon Tormo Carnicé and registered dietitian Adriana Duelo, has revealed that a low histamine diet supplemented with enzyme ‘diamine oxidase’ (DAO) improves migraine, digestive and skin disorders.


Adriana Duelo interview – El Punt – Avui (in Catalan)

The future is prevention through diet and nutrition. “I would like to see the specified level of histamine in a supermarket.”


La falta de Diamino Oxidasa (DAO) conlleva que no se metabolice bien la histamina, una molécula presente en los lácteos, el marisco o el tomate. Su acumulación en la sangre produce estreñimiento, diarrea o distensión abdominal, según los expertos.


“En el 87% de los casos los pacientes que sufren dolores de cabeza constantes presentan este trastorno provocado por la carencia de una enzima que impide eliminar la histamina de los alimentos”


“We may avoid high temperatures and meat overcooking” – Marta Robles (Diario La Razón)

Lo más importante es saber elegir bien el alimento y la forma de cocción. Las barbacoas no tienen porqué ser siempre de carnes rojas (ricas en grasas saturadas) como las salchichas, las costillas o el bistec de ternera, ni tampoco es imprescindible que la carne esté más de 10 minutos cociéndose…


Histamine accumulation – Médicos y medicinas

Actualmente se puede medir la actividad funcional de la enzima DAO mediante una prueba analítica que ya muchos centros médicos y hospitalarios de España ofrecen. Esta prueba mide qué cantidad de histamina puede ser degradada por la enzima DAO de la muestra…

Te de tot-girona-entrevista-tv-migranya-dao

Migraine and DAO deficiency – TV Girona interview (in catalan)

Entrevista en el programa “Té de Tot” de TV Girona sobre la migraña, la acumulación de histamina, el déficit de la enzima Diamino Oxidasa y la alimentación.

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